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Industrial Process/Pollution Control Equipment - Sales & Service
Methuen Corporation has been the intelligent choice of plant managers and maintenance personnel since 1985. Our state-of-the-art products are constructed using the finest corrosion resistant materials, and engineered to perform efficiently for many years. We will work closely with you to ensure that the needs of your company are met and exceeded. At Methuen Corporation we understand that safety is never obsolete!
| Either jump to these product groups: Air Pollution Control, Chemical Handling, Industrial Controls, Industrial Filtration, pH Controls, Wastewater Treatment or browse our entire products page.
 |  | Breathe a little easier with our Air Pollution Control equipment by clicking the thumbnails below. | |  |  |  | Scrubber Controls | Eraser© Fume Scrubber | pH Equipment |  | | | Pump Lift Station | | |
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 |  | Click on any of the thumbnails below to get up close and personal with our Chemical Handling equipment. | |  |  |  | Neva Leak© Day Tanks | Lab Lift Stations | Honey Wagon® Transfer Cart |  |  | | Pump Lift Station | Chemical Mix Tanks | |
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 |  | Click on any of the thumbnails below for everything you've always wanted to know about Industrial Controls, but were afraid to ask. | |  |  |  | Scrubber Controls | Wastewater Controls | PLC Control Systems |  |  |  | Level Controls | Conductivity Controls | Flow Controls |  |  |  | pH & Flow Monitoring System | "Easy Treat" Sanitary pH Controls | Duplex Pump Controls |
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 |  | Click on any of the thumbnails below to get down and dirty with our Industrial Filtration products. | |  |  |  | Industrial Filters | Filtration Systems | No-Seeums© Filtration System |  |  | | Filter Press | Silane Gas Scrubber | |
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 |  | Click on product thumbnails below for enlarged photos and technical information regarding our pH Controls. | |  |  |  | pH Control and Monitor | pH Monitor Recorder | pH Alarm Panel |  |  |  | pH Equipment | pH & Flow Monitoring System | Cyanide Treatment Controls |  | | | Batch Treatment | | |
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 |  | Click on any of the thumbnails below to get the big picture and the low-down on our Wastewater Treatment products. | |  |  |  | Lab Lift Station | Wastewater Treatment Systems | Neva Leak© Day Tanks | |  |  |  | Honey Wagon® Transfer Cart | Cyanide Treatment Controls | pH Equipment |  |  |  | Batch Treatment | No-Seeums© Filter System | Duplex Pump Lift Stations |  |  |  | pH & Flow Monitoring System | Filter Press | Need Pumps? |
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